Viewing the world through God's glasses.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


            Enjoy.  A simple word.
            For the past few years, I’ve had the privilege of writing for a magazine with Enjoy as the name.  This one word sets the perspective or the worldview of the magazine.  Each article must embody the concept of enjoy.” I write about places people can enjoy, personalities whose work and lives can be enjoyed, businesses where owner and customer alike enjoy, and activities which people enjoy.  Fifty articles later, I’m still writing about the concept of enjoy.
            The word is only found once in the Gospels, in relation to John the Baptist:  “John was a lamp that burned and gave light, and you chose for a time to enjoy his light.” (John 5:35)  What I find interesting in this verse, is not the word enjoy but the phrase “for a time.”  Perspective is often fleeting. 
            Christmas is often like this.  For a time we enjoy Jesus.  The baby in the manger gives us a feeling of good will and compassion.  As the season passes, so does our perspective.  The enjoyment of Christmas, turns to a more secular view of the world and God once again takes a backseat to our own opinions and wants. 
            One reason Jesus came was to change our perspective of the world.  The words we say, the feelings we hold, our interpretations of events in the world.  I want to challenge you this Christmas, avoid only holding Jesus and His view of the world for a time.  Let God find you fifty Christmas seasons from now from now still viewing the world through the concept of enjoy.

            “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.  Let earth receive her King.”

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