Perhaps there is proof of time travel. Irish filmmaker, George Clarke, announced a startling discovery this week. While viewing film footage of the premiere of Charlie Chaplin's "Circus" he found what he believes is evidence of a time traveler. The footage (seen here on You Tube) shows a strange looking woman walking and apparently talking into something in her hand, reminiscent of a modern cell phone. Since the footage is from 1928, his conclusion is the person is a time traveler.
Mysteries intrigue people. Clarke's findings have worked their way all through the internet as a variety of answers are presented. God is mysterious also. Just as Clarke's time traveler is finding a brief notoriety online, a search for theories about God online will bring forth a host of opinions and explanations. Some are dismissive, others fully embrace God, and every opinion inbetween exists. However, what is important is not one's opinion or how many people hold to a single opinion, but which matches the real world. If God is there, the God which exists must match the real world.
In discussions about God, people readily recite opinions. However, the strength of one's convictions, the blindness of one's belief, or the number of people in agreement do not equal truth. As you read this blog, each entry will attempt to ground opinions in asking what the real world is like while using Christianity as a lens to view the world and see if Christianity matches what is seen.
As for Clarke's theory: the person may be holding a contemporary invention, coming on the market just a few years before the premiere. (see device) But that's just my opinion.
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